The Insurgents
The Insurgents
Ep. 128: Elon Musk vs. Apple

Paid episode

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Ep. 128: Elon Musk vs. Apple

Elon Musk wants to wage "war" with Apple over its fees on App store purchases. Will he win?
people standing in front of white wall
Photo by Jimmy Jin on Unsplash

On this week’s premium episode, we get into Elon Musk’s purported war with Apple over app store purchase fees, examine recent precedent for companies trying to take on Apple over its app store monopoly and how this type of tilting-at-windmills style fires up his weirdest sycophants. We also talk a bit about the protests in China over its Covid policy, and the reactions from the west. There is also some sports talk at the end. World Cup, hoops, football. All the sports that matter.

This post is for paid subscribers