Hunter Walker and Luppe B. Luppen, aka “nycsouthpaw,” join Jordan to talk about their new book “The Truce: Progressives, Centrists, and the Future of the Democratic Party.”
We talk about the ways progressives and Biden’s camp sought to find unity and build a coalition to defeat Trump and fight for legislation, but how over time and with key White House departures the arrangement became strained.
You can grab a copy of their book here.
We also talk about Tim Burke’s absurd indictment at the top. His legal fund is here:
Our most recent premium episode for paid subscribers (Paid Interns!) with Ricky Hayberg of Internet Today is available here:
Ep. 254: The Truce ft. Hunter Walker & Luppe B. Luppen
A book about the delicate arrangement the Biden administration relied on and previews the intra-party fights ahead for the Democratic party.
Feb 23, 2024
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