The Insurgents
The Insurgents
Ep. 201: The Trolley Problem

Ep. 201: The Trolley Problem

We discuss the right's fear over public transit, UPS workers ratifying their new contract, China buying up US farmland and more.

The right has conditioned its base to assume the absolute worse, most nefarious intent in response to even the most moderate societal improvements. We explore how that social conditioning has changed the way people see public transit and the “15 minute cities” conspiracy. We also revisit Oliver Anthony’s “Rich Men North of Richmond” in the wake of it hitting #1 on the Hot 100.

Also, a handful of stories and columns published by the Washington Post this week paint China as a threat in the agricultural, military and public health spaces. We examine what’s behind them and what that type of fearmongering does at an interpersonal level.

Also new Southern California resident Jordan talks about how In-n-Out is overrated.

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